Sherlock Holmes by A.C. Doyle

I am waiting for your suggestions of activities you can do about 

Sherlock Holmes and the author.

Please write comments

Maybe you can find something interesting:


  1. I think Arthur Conan Doyle was a very interesting man.
    Because, who believes in fairies and ghosts these days? I learned a little from one of those pages, I mean facts about sir.
    I didn't know that Holmes was really based on Doyle's profesor, and
    I'm not really into Sherlock Holmes adventures, detective books and all those crimes and murders, because i prefer fantasy. But maybe it's worth to try reading other genres?
    Anyways, why do not make a presentation or project about Doyle?

  2. In my opnion Arthur Conan Doyle was very intresting.
    Becaus he wrote a book named Sherlock Holmes basede on fact .
    I don't really like books like a Sherlosk Homles but I like a fantastic book.

  3. It is super You like reading.
    Some quotations about reading:
    “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin
    “Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.” – Diane Duane
    "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." – Walt Disney
    “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling

    What do you think about them?????


  4. Результаты поиска
    Я думаю что Артур Конан Дойл был странным человеком.Он верил в фей и эльфов,а это достаточно интересно.Тем более сейчас,в 21 веке никто не верит в мифических существ.Несколько лет назад,я читала эту книгу и честно говоря,мне она вообще не понравилась.Я больше люблю фантастику.Интересно,а какие бы были действия человека если бы он попал в эту книгу?
    YA dumayu chto Artur Konan Doyl byl strannym chelovekom.On veril v fey i el'fov,a eto dostatochno interesno.Tem boleye seychas,v 21 veke nikto ne verit v mificheskikh sushchestv.Neskol'ko let nazad,ya chitala etu knigu i chestno govorya,mne ona voobshche ne ponravilas'.YA bol'she lyublyu fantastiku.Interesno,a kakiye by byli deystviya cheloveka yesli by on popal v etu knigu?
    I think that Arthur Conan Doyle was a strange person. He believed in fairies and elves, and this is interesting enough. Moreover, now, in the 21st century, no one believes in mythical creatures. A few years ago, I read this book and honestly, to me it I didn’t like it at all. I like fiction more. Interestingly, what would be the actions of a person if he got into this book?
    Kravchenko Anastasiia


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