Rules 1. Everyone gets 10 points at star 2. You get 1 point for good answer to easy question, but you lose 2 points for bad answer. 3. You get 2 points for good answer to hard question, but you lose 3 points for bad answer. 4. If your points will be equal to 0 or less you lose the game. 5. Everyone at the start of the game becomes one of these characters what have their unique abilities: • Augustus Gloop - the kid from the pipe - he can use pipes • Violet Beauregarde - the gum chewer - she can after her normal mow chew a gum what gives her additional dice roll, but if she rolls 4 or more follow this rules: 4=1 5=2 6=3 • Veruca Salt - the overindulged kid - She can use everyone`s ability (she can’t for example use Gloop`s ability twice and then Violet`s ability twice, but she can use Gloop`s ability once and then Violet`s ability once) • Charlie Bucket - the polite kid - He gets 5 points when someone loses the game 6. Every ability can only be used twice except Charlie`s ability what can be used when someone loses the game ( up to 3 times) 7. When someone steps on the finish field he gets the "questions storm" (3 hard questions) 8. [picture of blue card] - draw a card from the blue pile - bufs and debufs pile [picture of green card] draw a card from green pile - easy questions pile [picture of red card] - draw a card from red pile - hard questions pile 9. The game is for up to 4 players
OdpowiedzUsuń1. Everyone gets 10 points at star
2. You get 1 point for good answer to easy question, but you lose 2 points for bad answer.
3. You get 2 points for good answer to hard question, but you lose 3 points for bad answer.
4. If your points will be equal to 0 or less you lose the game.
5. Everyone at the start of the game becomes one of these characters what have their unique abilities:
• Augustus Gloop - the kid from the pipe - he can use pipes
• Violet Beauregarde - the gum chewer - she can after her normal mow chew a gum what gives her additional dice roll, but if she rolls 4 or more follow this rules: 4=1 5=2 6=3
• Veruca Salt - the overindulged kid - She can use everyone`s ability (she can’t for example use Gloop`s ability twice and then Violet`s ability twice, but she can use Gloop`s ability once and then Violet`s ability once)
• Charlie Bucket - the polite kid - He gets 5 points when someone loses the game
6. Every ability can only be used twice except Charlie`s ability what can be used when someone loses the game ( up to 3 times)
7. When someone steps on the finish field he gets the "questions storm" (3 hard questions)
8. [picture of blue card] - draw a card from the blue pile - bufs and debufs pile [picture of green card] draw a card from green pile - easy questions pile [picture of red card] - draw a card from red pile - hard questions pile
9. The game is for up to 4 players